I found out about CRM at the very desperate times for me and it turned out to be my salvation. I’m one of those control freaks and I used to believe that “If you want something done, do it yourself”. Trust issues or bad experiences or the combination of the two, I’m not sure, but it began to get out of hand when my business started to grow.
I was unable to keep up with the lead flow.
Is there such a thing as too many orders? If you have problems with systemasation and logistics it can be a disaster. But a good CRM system can quickly sort and prioritize your leads so that you or your employees could be able to respond to them in a timely, efficient manner.
The customer information was poorly organised
I had it scattered all over my notes and it wasn’t an issue at first, but the more you grow the harder it gets to keep track of every transaction and all the important information about the clients. With CRM tools now all the data I need is easily accessible in a few seconds. It can drive sales success rates and increase customer retention. Plus it’s just so convenient.
When I started to work with a sales team, I found it hard to keep track of what they're up to.
Working from home or in an office — it’s important to see what your employees are doing at the moment. A good CRM system is not just the solution to this problem, using it you can do more than just tracking. Collect, analyse the data and optimise the your company work using
The customer service wasn’t efficient.
It’s one thing to find new clients (not that easy as it is), it’s another to keep them. That’s where customer service upgrades come in handy. You should be able to effectively manage case flow while having a unified view of your client. This way you can impress your clients with outstanding customer service and make them keep coming back.
The reporting process was killing me.
It’s so inefficient and outdated to create and fill in all the documentation manually. CRM systems can keep all of your information in one accessible place, making up-to-the-minute reporting and accurate analysis easier than ever.
I couldn’t see the future of my company clearly.
I guess it all again comes down to good systematisation and automation. With the tools that CRM systems have to offer it is so much easier to get your business to the next level. It will help you find more customers, win more deals, keep your client happy, which is ultimately the best way to grow.
If you are a control freak like me or you just appreciate productivity and organised work, you’ll love using CRM systems. Don’t trust me? Try it out yourself!